Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Ferntrauung (Proxy Wedding)

Ferntrauung (proxy wedding) in North Africa, 30 April 1942. The Battalion commander lead the ceremony. Photo by Kriegsberichter Otto

Marriage by proxy is one more than a hundred-year-old family law institution, common to the legal systems of many states. Obviously it consists of a marriage in which one of the spouses, who is absent, is replaced by a third party for the issuance of consent; This third party acts as a proxy through a special power that has been legally granted by the absent spouse.

A Law of November 4, 1939 regulated this institution for the Wehrmacht members in campaign. The family book and an affidavit on the Aryan ancestry of the bride and the corresponding civil registry data were required. Over time, a mere written statement was enough.

The ceremony for the bride took place in the office of the civil registry with the presence of two witnesses and was called “Stahlhelmtrauung” or “steel helmet wedding”, since a steel helmet was placed to symbolize the presence of the absent contractor.

The ceremony for the groom took place before an officer of his unit and in the presence of comrades of the contracting party, who acted as witnesses.

Ferntrauung (proxy wedding) in North Africa, 30 April 1942. The comrades share in the joy of the young husband. Photo by Kriegsberichter Otto.

Ferntrauung (proxy wedding) in North Africa, 30 April 1942. The newly wed shows his comrades the bride's picture. Photo by Kriegsberichter Otto.

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