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Wehrmacht, Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Waffen-SS, Nazi, Third Reich, SS, Schutzstaffel, Soldat, Panzertruppen, Gebirgsjäger, Fallschirmjäger, Panzer, U-Boat, Sailor, Matrosen, Soldaten, Soldiers, Ritterkreuz, Knights Cross, Medals, Battle, War, World War II, Stalingrad, Berlin, Eastern Front, Western Front, Adolf Hitler, Erwin Rommel, Erich von Manstein, German, Adler, Uniforms, Tanks, Battlefield, Blog, Website, Axis, Ace, Aces, Experten
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Fritz Salitter (19 April 1882 - 6 May 1963) joined the Royal Prussian Army on November 12, 1897. The son of a postman, he went to Unteroffiziersvorschule Bartenstein. On October 17, 1899, he was transferred to the Unteroffiziersvorschule in Potsdam. On October 1, 1901, he was transferred to the 4th Baden Field Artillery Regiment No. 66. On June 1, 1906, he was appointed a fireworker. On November 1, 1907, he was promoted to Zeugfeldwebel. On March 31, 1913, he retired from the army. He went to the police in Wiesbaden after this. From October 1, 1914 to November 22, 1918, he took part in the First World War. On June 1, 1915, he was promoted to Zeugleutnant. In 1915 he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd Class. On April 1, 1921, he was transferred as a police major with the seniority of July 26, 1905 to the Erfurt Security Police. In 1933 he was appointed commander of the Wahn shooting range near Cologne. On October 1, 1933, he was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the police force. On April 1, 1936, he was promoted to police colonel. On the same day he was accepted into the army as a colonel. His seniority was set on the same day. He was assigned to the Artillery Regiment 16. But he continued to serve as the commander of the Wahn exercise area. Later, his place was also referred to as the Wahn military training area. Even at the beginning of World War II in the summer of 1939 he kept his command. On April 1, 1940, he was given the character of major general. In the summer of 1940 he gave his command to Colonel Max Ber. On August 1, 1940, he was then appointed commander of the southern military training area. As such, he was promoted to major general on April 1, 1941. On March 20, 1943, he married Anne Eichler for the second time. On May 5, 1943, he was appointed commander of the field command 768 (FK 768). With this he was used in the southern section of the eastern front. On November 15, 1943, he gave up his command. He was then transferred to the Führerreserve. He already wore both classes of the War Merit Cross with swords. On April 30, 1944, he was retired from active service in the Wehrmacht.
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Bundesarchiv Bild 102-04255
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Bundesarchiv B 206 Bild-GD-07