Men of Wehrmacht
Wehrmacht, Heer, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, Waffen-SS, Nazi, Third Reich, SS, Schutzstaffel, Soldat, Panzertruppen, Gebirgsjäger, Fallschirmjäger, Panzer, U-Boat, Sailor, Matrosen, Soldaten, Soldiers, Ritterkreuz, Knights Cross, Medals, Battle, War, World War II, Stalingrad, Berlin, Eastern Front, Western Front, Adolf Hitler, Erwin Rommel, Erich von Manstein, German, Adler, Uniforms, Tanks, Battlefield, Blog, Website, Axis, Ace, Aces, Experten
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
Wehrmacht Soldiers Marching in the Netherlands
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Thursday, August 24, 2023
Luftwaffe Crews and Rows of Fw 200 Bombers

German Focke-Wulf FW 200 bombers and their Luftwaffe crews on airfield in the Western Europe. Translation of official German caption on photo reverse: "Large mission of an Atlantic bomber squadron. Share Request: BMW Aircraft Motor Works, Inc., Sec. VF 407. In the West, October 1941".
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Tuesday, June 20, 2023
Studio Portrait of Panzertruppen
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Studio Portrait of Stahlhelm in Wear
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Studio Portrait of Heer Personnel
Heer Panzergrenadier portrait with DRL-Sportabzeichen, Westwall ribbon and Panzerkampfabzeichen in wear.

Goldenes-Parteiabzeichen + Wehrwirtschaftsführer Abzeichen Portrait. Interesting Pionier portrait with Golden party badge, Defense economy leader badge, Ostmedaille ribbon, Kriegsverdienstkreuz II.Klasse ribbon and wound badge. Very rare combination of awards that is almost never seen, let alone on a combat uniform! Dated May 1944.
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Studio Portrait of SS Personnel
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Sunday, June 18, 2023
Bosnian Mountain Troops Trains in the Mountain

Bosnian volunteer soldiers from the Kroatische SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgs-Division (later renamed 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division der SS Handschar) conduct military training in the snowy mountains of Germany, before being deployed to their home, Balkan region. This photo was taken in the summer of 1943, with the original caption: "Leben sehen die Männer aus dem Süden Schneeberge im Sommer." (for the first time in their lives, these people from the South see snow-covered mountains in the summer!)
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Sunday, April 16, 2023
Luftwaffe Enigma Machine
Thursday, April 13, 2023
Bio of Generalleutnant Rudolf-Eduard Licht (1890-1978)
Rudolf-Eduard Hugo Heinrich Licht
Date of Birth: 11.06.1890 - Holzhaleben, Sondershausen, Thuringen (German Empire)
Date of Death: 14.09.1978 - Reutlingen, Baden-Württemberg (West Germany)
19.12.1911 Fähnrich
18.08.1912 Leutnant
27.01.1916 Oberleutnant
01.05.1922 Rittmeister/Hauptmann
01.02.1933 Major
01.08.1935 Oberstleutnant
01.03.1938 Oberst
01.02.1942 Generalmajor
01.02.1944 Generalleutnant
Entered Army Service (17 Mar 1911)
Fahnenjunker in the 167th Infantry-Regiment (17 Mar 1911-01 Oct 1913)
Adjutant of II. Battalion of the 167th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1913-22 Nov 1914)
Wounded, in Hospital (22 Nov 1914-07 Feb 1915)
Adjutant of II. Battalion of the 167th Infantry-Regiment (07 Feb 1915-02 Aug 1916)
Company-Leader in the 167th Infantry-Regiment (02 Aug 1916-15 Oct 1916)
Regiments-Adjutant of the 167th Infantry-Regiment (15 Oct 1916-11 Jan 1917)
Company-Leader in the 167th Infantry-Regiment (11 Jan 1917-08 Jul 1917)
Regiments-Adjutant of the 167th Infantry-Regiment (08 Jul 1917-04 Nov 1918)
In British Captivity (04 Nov 1918-01 Nov 1919)
Transferred into the 22nd Reichswehr-Rifle-Regiment (01 Dec 1919-01 Jun 1920)
Transferred into the 21st Reichswehr-Rifle-Regiment (01 Jun 1920-01 Jan 1921)
Transferred into the 15th Infantry-Regiment (01 Jan 1921-01 Oct 1921)
Detached for Subsidiary-Leadership-Training and transferred into the 15th Mounted-Regiment (01 Oct 1921-01 Oct 1923)
With the Staff of the II. Battalion of the 15th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1923-01 Oct 1925)
Company-Chief in the 15th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1925-01 Oct 1929)
Instructor at the Infantry School (01 Oct 1929-01 Oct 1934)
Commander of the Training-Battalion of Infantry-Regiment Leipzig (01 Oct 1934-15 Oct 1935)
Commander of III. Battalion of the 101st Infantry-Regiment (15 Oct 1935-12 Oct 1937)
Commander of Instruction-Group C of the War School Dresden (12 Oct 1937-10 Nov 1938)
Commander of Instruction-Group A of the War School Wiener Neustadt (10 Nov 1938-01 Sep 1939)
Führer-Reserve OKH (01 Sep 1939-01 Dec 1939)
Commander of the 40th Infantry-Regiment (01 Dec 1939-23 Jul 1941)
Commander of the 17th Rifle-Brigade (23 Jul 1941-11 Nov 1941)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 17th Panzer-Division (11 Nov 1941-01 Feb 1942)
Commander of the 17th Panzer-Division (01 Feb 1942-10 Oct 1942)
Führer-Reserve OKH (10 Oct 1942-01 Nov 1942)
Commander of Division 487 (01 Nov 1942-15 Mar 1943)
Führer-Reserve & Detached to Army-Group Nord (15 Jun 1943-12 Oct 1943)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 21st Luftwaffe-Field-Division (12 Oct 1943-01 Nov 1943)
Commander of the 21st Field-Division (L) (01 Nov 1943-01 Nov 1944)
Commander of the 710th Infantry-Division (01 Nov 1944-15 Apr 1945)
In Captivity (08 May 1945-1947)
Released (1947)
Awards and Decorations:
25.10.1914 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
09.08.1916 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
00.00.191_ Schwarzburgisches Ehrenkreuz III.Klasse mit Schwertern
00.00.191_ k.u.k. Österreichische Militär-Verdienstkreuz III.Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
26.05.1918 Verwundetenabzeichen 1918 in Schwarz
15.01.1935 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer 1914-1918
02.10.1936 Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis I. Klasse
00.00.19__ 1939 spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
00.00.19__ 1939 spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
30.08.1941 Anerkennungsurkunde des Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres
18.10.1941 Deutsches Kreuz in Gold, as Oberst and Kommandeur 17. Schützen-Brigade
00.00.1942 Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942” (Ostmedaille)

Front inspection: Divisionskommandeur Rudolf-Eduard Licht (3rd from right) and Generalfeldmarschall Ernst Busch (right)
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Sunday, April 9, 2023
German Soldiers in the Trenches
Wehrmacht Briefing
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Wehrmacht Soldiers and Sailors Listening to the Speech of Hermann Göring

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Tuesday, March 28, 2023
German and Italian Troops near Tobruk
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Bio of Oberbootsmannsmaat Wilhelm Becker
Wilhelm Becker
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
00.00.19__ Oberbootsmannsmaat
00.00.19__ seemännischer Unteroffizier in Vorpostenboot 1812 / 18.Vorpostenflottille
Awards and Decorations:
00.00.19__ Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
00.00.19__ Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
26.10.1942 Deutsches Kreuz in Gold, as Oberbootsmannsmaat and seemännischer Unteroffizier (seaman's non-commissioned officer) in Vorpostenboot 1812 / 18.Vorpostenflottille
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German Soldiers in Akershus Fortress Norway

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Three SS-Untersturmführer in the Netherlands
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Sunday, March 12, 2023
Bio of Major Paul Block
Paul Block
Date of Birth: 16.05.1915 - Pommern (German Empire)
Date of Death: unknown
Religion: Evangelist
Father: Eduard Block (priest)
Mother: Frieda Schmidt
Wife: Gisela Leistikow (born 25.09.1921)
Children: Two sons (born in 13.11.1932 and 03.11.1942)
20.04.1936 Leutnant, RDA 01.04.1936 (850)
31.03.1939 Oberleutnant, RDA 01.04.1939 (129)
15.02.1942 Hauptmann, RDA 01.03.1942 (105)
01.03.1944 Major (19a)
04.06.1934 Entered Infanterie-Regiment 4
16.06.1934 Sworn-in
06.10.1936 Member of II.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 94
26.08.1939 - 27.09.1941 Chef 12.Kompanie / III.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 94
28.09.1941 - 11.06.1942 Chef MG-Kompanie / Infanterie-Regiment 94
15.06.1942 - 19.01.1943 Inspektionschef Schule V für Offiziersanwärter der Infanterie
20.01.1943 - 28.02.1943 Führerreserve OKH
01.03.1943 - 24.03.1943 Stabsoffizier 321. Infanterie-Division
25.03.1943 - 09.11.1943 Adjutant 321. Infanterie-Division
10.11.1943 - 09.12.1943 Führerreserve OKH
10.12.1943 Adjutant 352. Infanterie-Division
Awards and Decorations:
03.10.1939 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
19.08.1941 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
15.12.1941 Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen in Silber
Sunday, March 5, 2023
Captured US Truck of the Afrikakorps
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Why German Soldiers Fought with their Sleeves Rolled up
To date, there are not so many people left who remember and saw with their own eyes the events of the Second World War, and you and I, the descendants, can only observe the events of those years from documentary chronicles, photographs, or from artistic paintings that were shot in Soviet Union or already in our time.
Surely, many of you have noticed how German soldiers appeared in newsreels with a proud expression on their faces, leisurely walking with an MP40 machine gun in their hands. And almost always their sleeves were rolled up to the elbow, while Soviet soldiers never did this.
What is the reason for such wearing of military clothes. I would like to note right away that in this situation we are not talking about any military traditions. It was all about the form itself.
The fabric from which the German uniform was sewn consisted of two-thirds of wool, the rest of viscose. The quality and characteristics of the appearance of the clothes were at a high level. In the cold season, in this form it was quite warm, but this plus turned into a minus at the same time. Heat transfer is disturbed in woolen products and because of this, it was very hot in a woolen military uniform in the warm season, unlike cotton clothes. Toward the middle of the war, the German uniform began to be sewn, it was from cotton, but the rolling up of the sleeves by the Wehrmacht soldiers on the tunic had already become a habit. Apparently, the charter did not prohibit such wearing of a military uniform, and the officers turned a blind eye to this. However, discomfort in warm weather is not the only reason for rolling up sleeves. We all know that natural wool is a rather prickly material, and those who have worn a wool sweater on their naked body at least once understand what is at stake and remember how the skin itches after that.
As for the soldiers of the Red Army, their uniforms were sewn almost entirely from cotton fabric, as a result of which it was much lighter and more practical. Cotton also breathed well, was a versatile fabric for heat and cold. Plus, the tunics of Soviet soldiers were distinguished by a special cut. The sleeves were slightly tapered, so rolling up the sleeves was quite difficult and impractical.
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