Friday, May 28, 2021

Bio of Generalleutnant Hans von Donat

Generalleutnant Hans von Donat in 1945

Generalleutnant Hans von Donat
Born: 06 Jul 1891 in Stuttgart
Died: 11 Jun 1992 in Stuttgart

Fähnrich (14 Mar 1911); Leutnant (22 May 1912); Oberleutnant (18 Dec 1915); Hauptmann (01 Jan 1922); Major (01 Oct 1932); Oberstleutnant (01 Jun 1935); Oberst (01 Oct 1937); Generalmajor (01 Nov 1941); Generalleutnant (01 Jan 1944)

Entered Army Service (14 Mar 1911)
Fähnrich in the 3rd Railway-Regiment (14 Mar 1911-01 Oct 1912)
Detached to the War-School Potsdam (10 Jul 1911-31 Mar 1912)
Recruitment-Officer in the 3rd Railway-Regiment (01 Oct 1912-24 Mar 1914)
Adjutant of the I. Battalion and Regiments-Court-Officer of the 3rd Railway-Regiment (24 Mar 1914-02 Aug 1914)
Adjutant of the Staff-Officers of Special-Purpose-Railway-Troop 3 (02 Aug 1914-10 May 1916)
Detached to Berlin for Tropical Weather Training and Schooling for use with the Railway Construction Special Company 5 in Turkey and travelled there (10 May 1916-10 Aug 1916)
Leader of the Motor-Vehicle-Column of the Railway-Construction-Company 5 (10 Aug 1916-01 Apr 1917)
Transferred to the Production-Administration of the Taurus-Field-Railway in Turkey (01 Apr 1917-08 Jul 1917)
Adjutant of the Staff-Officers of Special-Purpose-Railway-Troop 25, Turkey (08 Jul 1917-06 Jan 1918)
Transferred to the Staff of the Regiment-Commanders of Railway-Troop 2 in the Grand Headquarters (06 Jan 1918-21 Feb 1918)
Transferred to the 3rd Railway-Regiment, while retaining position in the Command of the Inspection of Railway-Troops (27 Feb 1918-07 Nov 1918)
Leader of the Reserve-Railway-Construction-Company 44 (07 Nov 1918-18 Dec 1918)
Transferred to the I. Replacement-Battalion of the 1st Railway-Regiment and Detached to the Inspection Of Railway Troops (18 Dec 1918-27 Feb 1919)
Transferred to the 3rd Railway-Regiment while retaining position with the Inspection Of Railway Troops (27 Feb 1919-10 Mar 1919)
Detachment-Leader with the Commander of Railway-Troops with Army-High-Command North, used as Recruitment-Officer for Border-Protection East (10 Mar 1919-10 Apr 1919)
Leader of the Volunteer-Railway-Construction-Detachment 2 with Border-Protection East (10 Apr 1919-01 May 1919)
Transferred into the 1st Reichswehr-Railway-Regiment and Leader of the Railway-Construction-Company 3 (01 May 1919-01 Oct 1919)
Leader of the Combined Railway-Construction-Company 1, 3 and 4, renamed 1st Reichswehr-Railway-Construction-Company (01 Oct 1919-25 Nov 1919)
Transferred into the 1st Reichswehr-Pioneer-Battalion (25 Nov 1919-13 Sep 1920)
Transferred to the Staff of the Commander of the Troop-Exercise-Grounds Klausdorf-Speremberg (13 Sep 1920-01 Apr 1921)
Company-Leader in the 2nd Pioneer-Battalion (01 Apr 1921-01 Jan 1922)
Company-Chief in the 2nd Pioneer-Battalion (01 Jan 1922-16 May 1925)
Hauptmann with the Staff of the 2nd Pioneer-Battalion (16 May 1925-01 Oct 1925)
Pioneer-Officer with the Command-Office Pillau (01 Oct 1925-01 Oct 1927)
Detached to the RWM/Troop-Office/Transport-Department/T1T (01 Oct 1927-01 Feb 1928)
Transferred as Technical Advisor in the RWM/T1T (01 Feb 1928-01 Oct 1933)
Granted Leave (01 Apr 1933-30 Sep 1933)
Transferred to the Staff of the 6th Pioneer-Battalion (01 Oct 1933-01 Oct 1934)
Commander of Pioneer-Battalion Holzminden (01 Oct 1934-15 Oct 1935)
Commander of the 19th Pioneer-Battalion (15 Oct 1935-01 Apr 1936)
Commander of Pioneers VI (01 Apr 1936-10 Nov 1938)
Commander of the 68th Railway-Pioneer-Regiment (10 Nov 1938-10 Oct 1939)
At the same time, Commandant of the Pioneer-Exercise-Grounds Rehagen-Klausdorf-Speremberg (10 Nov 1938-31 Jul 1939)
At the same time, Higher Railway-Pioneer-Commander with Army-Group South (01 Aug 1939-10 Oct 1939)
Higher Railway-Pioneer-Commander of Army-Group B (10 Oct 1939-01 Nov 1940)
Higher Railway-Pioneer-Commander for the Occupied Western Areas (01 Nov 1940-10 May 1941)
Higher Railway-Pioneer-Commander of Army-Group North (10 May 1941-01 Feb 1942)
Plenipotentiary General of the Chief of Transport-Affairs with the Reichs Transport Ministry, Eastern Branch, Warsaw (01 Feb 1942-20 Jul 1942)
Commander of the Railway-Pioneer-School Rehagen and at the same time, Commandant of the Railway-Pioneer-Exercise-Grounds Rehagen-Klausdorf-Speremberg (20 Jul 1942-08 May 1945)
At the same time, Railway-Pioneer-Inspector with the Commander of the Replacement Army (01 Apr 1945-08 May 1945)
In Captivity (08 May 1945-05 Jun 1947)
Released (05 Jun 1947)

Awards & Decorations:
- 1914 EK I
- 1914 EK II
- RK II. Klasse des Kgl. Württembg. Friedrichs-Ordens mit Schwertern
- Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
- k.u.k. Österr. Militär-Verdienstkreuz III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
- Türkische Silberne Liakat-Medaille mit Säbel
- Türkischer Eiserner Halbmond
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis I. Klasse
- Spange zum EK I
- Spange zum EK II
- Kriegsverdienstkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern
- Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”

Source :

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Bio of Generalleutnant Kurt Wolff

Generalleutnant Kurt Wolff
*26.07.1886 Gumbinnen
+28.09.1971 Hannover

Vater: Max Wolff, Steuerinspektor
Mutter: Klara Wolff, geb. Reinke (+1931)
20.12.1924 Heirat mit Margarethe von Borries, geb. von Kennedy (1894-?)

27.01.1908 Leutnant (Yy)
27.01.1915 Oberleutnant
18.04.1917 Hauptmann (Y3y)
01.02.1922 Hauptmann mit RDA vom 18.04.1917 (12)
01.03.1929 umernannt zum Rittmeister
01.04.1930 Major (6)
01.04.1934 Oberstleutnant (17)
01.03.1936 Oberst (4)
01.11.1939 Charakter als Generalmajor
01.02.1941 Generalmajor (18)
01.01.1943 Generalleutnant

26.08.1906 Eintritt ins Infanterieregiment 140
01.05.1911 in der 1. / Infanterieregiment 140 (Hohensalza) [laut Rangliste]
01.02.1913 kommandiert zur Militärturnanstalt
01.10.1913 Bataillonsadjutant
01.08.1915 Regimentsadjutant
19.04.1916 im Infanterieregiment 358
22.04.1916 Kompanieführer
28.08.1917 Brigadeadjutant
07.05.1919 im Stab der Reichswehrbrigade 2
01.10.1919 im Stab des Wehrkreiskommandos II
30.11.1920 Divisionsadjutant
01.04.1922 im Infanterieregiment 4
01.04.1924 Chef der 16. / Infanterieregiment 4 (Neustettin) [laut Stellenbesetzung]
01.04.1925 Chef der 7. / Infanterieregiment 9 (Potsdam) [laut Stellenbesetzung]
01.10.1928 im Stab des I. / Infanterieregiment 9 (Potsdam)
01.03.1929 im Stab des Reiterregiments 2 (Allenstein)
01.05.1930 im Stab des Reiterregiments 2 (Osterode) [laut Stellenbesetzung]
01.02.1931 Kommandeur des Ausbildungsbataillons des Infanterieregiments 8 (Liegnitz)
01.08.1933 im Stab des Infanterieregiments 1 (Königsberg)
01.01.1935 im Stab des Infanterieregiments 17 (Braunschweig)
12.10.1937 Leiter der psychologischen Prüfstelle XI (Braunschweig)
10.11.1938 Leiter der psychologischen Prüfstelle XI (Hannover) [laut Stellenbesetzung]
26.08.1939 Kommandeur des Infanterieregiments 211
25.10.1939 mit der Führung der Division z.b.V. 428 beauftragt
17.05.1940 Führerreserve Wehrkreis XI
10.06.1940 Kommandeur der Division Nr. 190
15.04.1942 Führerreserve OKH (XI)
27.04.1942 Kommandant des Offizierslagers IV B
22.06.1942 Kommandeur der Kriegsgefangenen im Wehrkreis IV
23.11.1942 Kommandeur der Kriegsgefangenen beim Wehrmachtbefehlshaber Ukraine
15.12.1943 Kommandeur der Kriegsgefangenen im Wehrkreis VIII
21.12.1944 Führerreserve OKH (XI)
28.02.1945 aus dem aktiven Wehrdienst entlassen

xx.xx.191x EK II
xx.xx.191x EK I
06.11.1940 KVK II mit Schwertern
30.01.1942 KVK I mit Schwertern

Source :

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Funeral of Graf von Westphalen

Funeral of SS-Obersturmbannführer Hermenegild Graf von Westphalen zu Fürstenberg, Commander of Regiment "Danmark" in Estonian capital Reval (Tallinn) Heldenfriedhoff Maarjamäe. He in was heavily wounded in fighting around the Narva Kreenholm bridge on 9 April 1944 and died on 28 May 1944 in SS-Korpslazarett 1/103 in Reval (Tallinn).

Source :,_1944_-_Narvafront037.jpg

Monday, May 17, 2021

Fallschirmjäger Anti-Partisan Operation

ECPAD Archives (FALL AOK F1648 L02)

1. Fallschirmjäger-Division in an anti-partisan operation in the region of Molise, Italy, October 1943. Veterans of "Merkur" in Crete are interrogating people of the village of Montefalcone Nel Sannio, Puglia. Note the variety of ammo pouches for Kar 98k and FG 42.

ECPAD Archives (FALL AOK F1648 L07)
1. Fallschirmjäger-Division unit searching the area for partisans and interrogating the population of the village of Montefalcone Nel Sannio (Puglia).

ECPAD Archives (FALL AOK F1648 L08)
1. Fallschirmjäger-Division in an anti-partisan operation at Montefalcone Nel Sannio (Puglia). Firepower is all!

ECPAD Archives (FALL AOK F1648 L09)
1. Fallschirmjäger-Division unit searching the area for partisans and interrogating the population (including Carabinieri) of the village of Montefalcone Nel Sannio (Puglia).

Source ;
ECPAD Archives

Officer of Jäger-Regiment 54 in an Anti-Partisan Operation

ECPAD Archives (PK690 F1330 L22)

Anti-Partisan operation : An Oberleutnant and DKiGträger (holder of Deutsches Kreuz in Gold) from Jäger-Regiment 54 / 100.Jäger-Division discussing over a map with his trusted Oberfeldwebel during "Operation Paula" in the hills of Papuk, Slavonia, July 1943. The division participate in the anti-Partisan operation at the Papuk Mountains in slavonia, Croatia. At this time, members of the division still not wearing the Eichenblatt insignia on their uniforms. Since the division was in the process of re-creation in the summer of 1943, they did not yet receives some of the items for their unit's insignia, including ärmelabzeichen der Jägertruppen as above. But it could also be as a measurement of camouflage since Partisans should not let be aware of theit exact opponents.

Source :
ECPAD Archives

Saturday, May 15, 2021

German Soldier Humiliating Yugoslav Soldier

German soldier humiliating a Royal Yugoslav soldier by breaking his rifle and refusing to shake his surrendering handshake. April 1941, during the Invasion of Yugoslavia.

Source :

Panzerjäger Leutnant Arrested by the Canadians

A well decorated German Leutnant, member of Panzerjäger (Tank Hunter) unit, arrested by the Canadian army on 13 April 1945 in Netherlands. He have the Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse ribbon in his lapel, while in his uniform is pinned Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse, Allgemeines-Sturmabzeichen and Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber. He is also wearing the Kuban Shield in his sleeve.

Source :[0]=AZWXltG3n_SAUTokfsQdzK3m4Rguy1-It5ZINwK1Z_-DMQ7SIEeEzzwK-QVqV6ZCAMIVRR77XjZPjzasRmqNNYtWxtOgOOmymr2cWuXbdsZrZUvu4NWm-2mR1rTr32zbRth8kBRfSBVJBJNZ7DOM512o_MCwmESvs1WvGTJV1EvzXeAxdFbshNUyvvF-RAGS7ac&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

Friday, May 14, 2021

BMW 326 History

Luftwaffe soldiers posing in front of a BMW 326 Limousine

The BMW 326 is a medium-sized sedan produced by BMW between 1936 and 1941, and again briefly, under Soviet control, after 1945. The 326 was BMW's first four-door sedan. It had an innovative design and sold well despite its relatively high price. It also had an unusually involved afterlife.

Designed by Fritz Fiedler, the 326 featured a box-section frame that could readily be adapted for derivative models. Also innovative were the torsion bar rear suspension, inspired by the dead axle suspension of the Citroën Traction Avant, and the hydraulic braking system, the first to be used on a BMW car. Styled by Peter Schimanowski, the 326 was offered as a four-door sedan and as a two- or four-door cabriolet. The 326 sedan was the first BMW available with four doors. The BMW 320, BMW 321, BMW 327, and BMW 335 were based on the 326. The streamlined form of the body contrasted with previous relatively upright BMWs: drag was presumably reduced further by including a fixed cover over the spare wheel at the back.

The 1971 cc straight 6 engine was a version of the 319’s power plant, with the bore increased from 65 mm (2.6 in) to 66 mm (2.6 in), and an unchanged stroke of 96 mm (3.8 in) giving a displacement of 1,971 cc (120.3 cu in). In the 326 application, it was fed by twin 26 mm Solex carburetors to produce a claimed maximum output of 50 PS (37 kW) at 3750 rpm. The top speed is 115 km/h (71 mph).

The four-speed gear box was supported by freewheeling on the bottom ratios and synchromesh on the top two.

The 326 was introduced at the Berlin Motor Show in February 1936, the 326 was offered for sale from May of that year. The 326 was a success. By the time production was suspended in 1941, the Eisenach plant had produced 15,949 of them.

In 1945, Eisenach was occupied by US forces. However, the wartime allies had already agreed that Thuringia would fall within the Soviet occupation zone. The plant that BMW had originally acquired in 1929 was not fully destroyed, and it was possible for returning survivors to assemble sixteen postwar 326s. A modernised version, badged initially as the BMW 340, emerged around 1948. Despite the nomenclature, it was clear that BMW’s Eisenach plant was no longer under the control of BMW: later BMW 340s, still based on the prewar 326, were badged as EMW 340s following a protracted dispute concerning title to the BMW name. It was, perhaps, a tribute to the 326's perceived excellence, together with the skills of the workers who had struggled to revive it, that the Eisenach plant was permitted to produce the BMW design till approximately 1955, long after the Auto Union assembly facilities at nearby Zwickau had been dismantled and removed to Russia as part of the war reparations package.

The Russians were not alone in being impressed by the 326. Detailed plans of the sedan and coupé derivative models were also rescued by the British. Family connections, involving the founder of the Bristol Aeroplane Company and a Frazer-Nash director who had imported to England and adapted BMW designs in the 1930s, led to Bristol. A succession of Bristols cars introduced between 1947 and 1953 were unapologetic developments of the respected BMW design. Ten years after the war's end, Bristol’s 403 produced between 1953 and 1955 retained a BMW style front grill: under the skin the engine had been extensively upgraded, and the Bristol 403 now offered a claimed output of 100 bhp (75 kW). The engine size, at 1971 cc, was unchanged.

Source :

Sunday, May 9, 2021

Anti-Tank of 79. Infanterie-Division

Anti-tank crew of 14.Kompanie / Infanterie-Regiment 208 / 79. Infanterie-Division at the Westwall, Saarland, 1939. The gun is a Pak (Panzerabwehrkanone) 3,7 cm 35/36. It was used in the anti-tank / jäger companies of the infantry regiments (14th Company). The 3.7cm anti-tank gun was also represented in the Panzerjägerabteilung's unit with 12 guns per company.

Source :

Officers of 79. Infanterie-Division in Stalingrad

A small crowd of officers from 79. Infanterie-Division gather at the aberration post of the advanced division command post in Stalingrad. From left to right: Oberleutnant Gert von Knobloch (O3 79. Infanterie-Division), Major Paul Gloger (Kommandeur Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 244), Oberstleutnant Adalbert Kuhlwein (liaison officer Infanterie-Regiment 369), Major der Reserve Fritz Hildebrandt (IC 79. Infanterie-Division), Oberst im Generalstab Helmuth Strumpet (Ia 79. Infanterie-Division), and Generalmajor Richard von Schwerin (Kommandeur 79. Infanterie-Division). The picture was taken on 23 October 1942.

Source :

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Bio of General der Artillerie Walter Petzel

Archives ECPAD (DAT 3114 L24)

Walter Petzel (1883–1965) was born on 28 December 1883, the son of a landowner, in Oborzysk in the Province of Posen in what is now Poland. He joined the army in 1902 as a Fahnenjunker and, in 1903, was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant in the 1st Posen Field Artillery Regiment Number 20. In 1905, he was posted to the Artillery and Engineer School and, in 1908, became adjutant of the 2nd battalion (Abteilung) of his field artillery regiment. In 1910, he was sent to the Military Riding Institute for 2 years where he was promoted to lieutenant and, shortly thereafter, married Margarete Hauffe on 28 August 1911.

Rejoining his regiment in the post of adjutant in 1913, he was sent to the front at the start of the First World War. In September that year he was badly wounded. In November he was promoted to the rank of captain and, in January 1915, was appointed as adjutant of the 10th Field Artillery Brigade. In December 1916, he returned to his Posen regiment, this time as a battery commander. In August 1917, he was appointed as a battalion commander within his regiment. For his service during the war, he was awarded a Knight's Cross of the House Order of Hohenzollern and both Iron Crosses as well as the Wound Badge.

Following the end of the war, Petzel transferred to the Reichswehr as a captain and initially commanded batteries within the 5th Reichswehr Artillery and 3rd (Prussian) Artillery Regiments. Over the next few years he served as a staff officer within the HQs of 1st Cavalry Division and 3rd Division of the Reichswehr before being promoted to colonel in 1933 and commanding the horse artillery of the Inspectorate of the Cavalry. In 1935 he was appointed briefly as the CO of 76th Artillery Regiment, but only a month later was promoted to major general and appointed as Artillery Commander 3 (Arko 3), a peacetime post in Frankfurt an der Oder and, later, as commander of the 3rd Infantry (or Motorised) Division there. In 1938, he was promoted to lieutenant general and appointed as Inspector of Artillery.

In 1939, as the Wehrmacht mobilised, Petzel took over the I Army Corps as its commanding general and led it during the Invasion of Poland. In October that year he was promoted to General of Artillery on 1 Oct 1939 and Commander I Army Corps, but was almost immediately given command of two military districts, Wehrkreis III and Wehrkreis XXI with his headquarters in Posen. In 1945 he was commandant of the Prussian fortress town of Posen, now called Poznan, but was retired on 29 January 1945 just before the region was overrun.

Petzel escaped to the west and settled in Hamelin, West Germany, where he died on 1 October 1965.

Awards & Decorations:
01.10.1943 Deutsches Kreuz in Silber as General der Artillerie and Kom. Gen. stellv. XXI. Armee-Korps und Befehlshaber im Wehrkreis XXI (Posen)
00.00.191_ Ritterkreuz des Kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
00.00.191_ 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I. Klasse
00.00.191_ 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II. Klasse
00.00.194_ Kriegsverdienstkreuz I. Klasse mit Schwertern
00.00.194_ Kriegsverdienstkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern
ca. 1918 Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz
ca. 1934 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
00.00.193_ Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis I. Klasse

Source :
ECPAD Archives

Bio of Generalmajor Hans Kreppel

Generalmajor Hans Kreppel
Born: 28 Sep 1898 in Munich (München)
Died: 14 Feb 1985 in Naugerming

Vater: Otto Kreppel, Generalleutnant a.D. (+13.04.1935)
Mutter: Maria Kreppel, geb. Schmidtkonz
26.04.1924 Heirat mit Marie Gastlhuber
1 Sohn (*1926), 3 Töchter (*1929/1935/1940)

Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier (27 Mar 1917); Fähnrich (17 Sep 1917); Leutnant (17 Jan 1916); Hauptmann (01 Jun 1934); Major (01 Apr 1939); Oberstleutnant (01 Feb 1942); Oberst (01 Aug 1943); Generalmajor (01 May 1945)

Entered Army Service (01 Dec 1916)
Fahnenjunker in the Replacement-Battalion of the 1st Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (01 Dec 1916-07 Dec 1916)
Transferred to the 2nd Replacement-Battalion of the 2nd Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (07 Dec 1916-27 Jun 1917)
Detached to Course at the Prussian Foot Artillery Firing School Jüterbog (09 May 1917-07 Jun 1917)
Gun-Leader, later Platoon-Leader in the mobile 1st Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (27 Jun 1917-17 Jan 1918)
Battery-Officer in the 1st Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (17 Jan 1918-15 Oct 1918)
Ordinance-Officer with the Staff of II. Battalion of the 1st Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (15 Oct 1918-15 Feb 1919)
Granted Leave for Studies (15 Feb 1919-25 Apr 1919)
Volunteer in the Heavy Field-Howitzer-Battery of Volunteer-Detachment Probstmayr (25 Apr 1919-05 May 1919)
Transferred to the Replacement-Battalion of Freikorps Epp (05 May 1919-22 May 1919)
Company-Leader of the Depot-Company of the Supplemental-Battalion of the Bavarian Rifle-Corps (Epp) (22 May 1919-16 Jun 1919)
Transferred to Volunteer-Battery Fürholzer (16 Jun 1919-30 Jun 1919)
Transferred to 1st Battery of the 22nd Heavy Reichswehr-Artillery-Battalion (30 Jun 1919-27 Jun 1919)
Detached to the Bavarian Firing School Lager Lechfeld (05 Aug 1919-27 Aug 1919)
Transferred to 3rd Battery of the 23rd Light Reichswehr-Artillery-Regiment (27 Jun 1919-20 Oct 1919)
Detached to Sports-Course in Munich (17 Sep 1919-19 Oct 1919)
Transferred to 4th Battery of the 23rd Light Reichswehr-Artillery-Regiment (20 Oct 1919-01 Oct 1920)
Transferred to the 7th Artillery-Regiment (01 Oct 1920-30 Apr 1924)
Retired (30 Apr 1924)
Reactivated to Army Service (01 Jun 1934)
Battery-Chief in the 7th Artillery-Regiment (01 Jun 1934-01 Oct 1934)
Battery-Chief in Artillery-Regiment Nürnberg (01 Oct 1934-14 Oct 1935)
Battery-Chief in the 5th then 35th Artillery-Regiment (14 Oct 1935-01 Dec 1938)
Lecturer at the Artillery School (01 Dec 1938-01 Sep 1939)
Course-Director at the Artillery-School, Instruction-Staff A (01 Sep 1939-08 Jun 1940)
Commander of IV. Battalion of the 79th Mountain-Artillery-Regiment (08 Jun 1940-23 Jul 1941)
Staff-Officer of Artillery with Army High Command 17 (23 Jul 1941-01 Jan 1942)
With the Staff of Higher Artillery Commander 304 (01 Jan 1942-23 Dec 1942)
Führer-Reserve (23 Dec 1942-17 Jan 1943)
Commander of the 112th Mountain-Artillery-Regiment (17 Jan 1943-11 Oct 1944)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 3rd Mountain-Division (28 May 1944-03 Jul 1944)
Führer-Reserve (11 Oct 1944-01 Jan 1945)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 100th Jäger-Division (01 Jan 1945-31 Jan 1945)
Führer-Reserve OKH (09 Feb 1945-17 Mar 1945)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 117th Jäger-Division (17 Mar 1945-01 May 1945)
Commander of the 117th Jäger-Division (01 May 1945-09 May 1945)
In US Captivity (09 May 1945-27 Jun 1947)
Released (27 Jun 1947)

Awards & Decorations:
20.06.1918 Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
26.10.1918 Königlich Bayerischer Militär-Verdienstorden 4. Klasse mit Schwertern
04.08.1923 Deutsches Turn- und Sportabzeichen in Bronze
21.02.1924 Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse
09.06.1931 Königlich Ungarische Kriegserinnerungsmedaille mit Schwertern und Helm
xx.xx.1935 Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
02.10.1936 Wehrmacht (Heer) Dienstauszeichnung 4. Klasse
xx.xx.1939 Wehrmacht (Heer) Dienstauszeichnung 3. Klasse
01.02.1940 Schutzwallehrenzeichen
20.07.1940 Spange zum EK II
27.06.1941 Spange zum EK I
03.08.1941 Sturmabzeichen
15.07.1942 Ostmedaille
31.12.1943 Nennung im Ehrenblatt des Heeres
20.01.1944 Deutsches Kreuz in Gold

Source :